
There are two ways a guest can pay for their coffee:

Through the app

A guest can swipe a ticket on the app, which counts as valid payment. We don't have to enter anything into Zettle, as we have already received money from that purchase. You have most likely used the app before joining Analog. The following types of tickets exist

  • Filter Coffee
    Valid for a cup of filter coffee
  • Espresso-based
    Valid for all types of coffee drinks. Also valid for chai and hot cocoa.
  • Tea
    Valid for a cup of tea
  • Cocoa
    Valid for a cup of hot cocoa

Most purchases in Analog are made through the app, as guests reach a discount by buying drink tickets in bulk of 10.

The Analog app is developed in-house by the IO team. They are always in need of new developers/designers, and you are more than welcome to join them!

Through Zettle

If a guest wishes to pay their drink without the app, find their desired drink in Zettle and the guest can pay by card. The price structure above applies, and it is already encoded into Zettle. 

Analog does not accept cash