
It is an endless discussion what the values of Analog actually are. Many hours have been spent trying to define a set of values, and they are always changing. Our stance on sustainability, advertisements, and sponsorships are all things that are subject to change. However, some values never change.

We are driven by trust

We have a flat organisation where everyone has equal say. You are the boss!

It's not about the money

Analog is a non-profit café, and your performance will never be measured by how many cups of coffee you can get across the counter. In fact, your performance is not at all important. What is important is that you enjoy your time in Analog at your own pace. Forget about money. Analog has enough! 

Make it your own

We all have our own interpretation of what it means to volunteer in Analog. Create your own version of what you think it means! Create your own fun. Do what you enjoy doing in Analog. Join the Board, become part of a crew, play with Instagram, or perhaps something entirely different? We have space for everyone!